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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

I'm Back Baby!!

Oh hi!

So I'm still here playing Sims 2 every once in a while.  Well, really Covid got us playing again.  But nowadays we play on Mac OS instead of Windows.  And where we're going we don't need discs.  I mean I play Sims 2 Super Collection from the Apple App Store.  I built all these really cool houses that I would have been proud to share with you... but then failed to back them up and lost them. Cry face!  

Now I'm starting fresh!  My cute hubby ran across this very blog today and so here I am.  And this house is for you... and me!

Download Wizard Way here!

(I'll add pics soon)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hi everybody!

Sorry I haven't kept up with my blog.  We had to move suddenly and my Sims discs somehow ended up in storage. I've been craving some Sims lately.  My husband bought the Sims 4, and tried to entice me by "needing"  some houses. No thanks, I just want my Sims 2 back. I'll get my discs back soon. 

Is anyone still playing Sims 2?

There seems to be an echo in here....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tudor House

This is one of the biggest and most expensive houses I've made.  I really like the outside.  Take a look...

Here are some layout shots...

 I labeled them this time :)

And here are some other random shots...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tall House

Here's another house...

Not very tall

The first floor

Tall House second floor

and the third floor

 Looking through the front door

A view from sitting on the sofa in the media room

Trust House

 A small, simple, but very pretty two bedroom, single story beach house...

My husband and I have shared many a laugh about the choices our kids have made when playing the Sims.  Mostly it has to do with their "houses".  These giant single rooms that contain a couple of beds, a refrigerator, and toilet may meet some Sim needs, but are simply comedy for us.  

One day my husband challenged me to make a house in which there's a toilet as soon as you open the front door.  I just couldn't bring myself to torture my Sims with a bath/living room.  But there is a bathroom that has a side door that leads to the deck.  Does that count Honey?


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Het House

 I don't know what "het" means.  We were watching a movie with Dutch subtitles.  When I looked at the screen it said het.  Enjoy Het House...

Het House outside... I decided to make a house without a driveway, a la Original Sims when we didn't have such luxuries as driveways.

 Het House first floor.  I had fun with the stairs again.

Het House second floor.  I'm loving the master bath.  I'm almost tempted to make some Sims to live in this house

 Het House downstairs sitting area

Het House dining room
Het House downstairs living room.  Digging the green!

 Het House upstairs landing

 Het House upstairs family room.  More green!

Het House upstairs master bathroom.  I wish I could get a better shot of this...

I googled het.  It means "the"!  So enjoy the The House!